
Mr. Tim Gavin, Region Teacher at Episcopal Academy and avid runner, has a mission. On sabbatical this year, he has registered to run 100K on June 18th. For those of us not completely brushed up on the metric system, that’s a whopping 62+ miles! And the worst of it is that the run takes place in the woods and along trails reaching from Havre De Grace, MD, to Wrightsville, PA. It will be a long day to say the least. But Tim is more than prepared for the challenge. This eclectic figure is not only a respected teacher in his neighborhood, but also well known. Many see him out and about during his runs…barefoot! But what will inspire Tim’s run the most is the cause—he hopes to (with your help) raise one full student scholarship for the opening year of St. James School. The goal is $16,000, and we ask that you consider lending a dollar or more—whatever you can give. Thanks for your hard work and incredibly unique fundraising endeavor, Tim!

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