
With the students away from school for five weeks during the summer, the staff decided to make sure they are reading at least 30 minutes a day.

Thanks to a generous donation of books requested by the students, ELA teacher Sarah Carroll was able to develop a summer reading project to excite and motivate the students.

The students have been given the challenge of reading at least three books before the first day of school. At the end of each reading, students are asked to create a unique book cover to show their comprehension of the book. The covers should have summaries, reviews and illustrations. While students are required to make three book covers, students are also encouraged to go above and beyond — staying true to St. James School style.

Extra Incentives

  • Anyone who completes five projects will get a new book of their choice.
  • Seven projects will earn a spot in an Amazing Reader’s pizza party.
  • 10 projects will earn one of the biggest honors at SJS — a dress down pass good for one full day during the school year.

Students will be able to come back and meet with Ms. Carroll throughout the month of August to get new books from the collection donated earlier this summer.

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