The Episcopal School in North Philadelphia

Michelle and Barack Obama, portrayed by Kayla and Amare

On Friday, February 23rd, St. James School hosted its 2nd Annual Black History Month Living Wax Museum. To celebrate Black History Month, all students brought noteworthy historical black figures to life by dressing in costume and giving biographical presentations.

The entire month of February, in each class, the faculty and staff worked with students to research their wax museum choice. Students learned about the lives and the significant contributions they brought to the world. Coming to life was more than just wearing a costume. The hard work over the month led to wonderful student-made posters and presentations. Students also memorized a speech to give when they were activated to come to life from their wax figure pose.

Nevaeh as Ruby Bridges

“Have you ever needed armed guard to go to school? I have, I am Ruby Bridges.” Each student began their presentation by giving a key fact and then would tell the audience about the person they became. From a dancing Michael Jackson to an emotional speech by Barack Obama, the students put their heart and soul into these projects.

Adding to the excitement of the day, Philadelphia local news, NBC, ABC and CBS were all there to help cover our event sharing the good news of St. James!

At St. James, Black History Month is filled with activities to bring to life the sacrifices and achievements of African Americans throughout history. Our wax museum event holds a special place in this month of reflection and celebration.




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