
Current Families

Resources for Current Families

Dear Families of St. James,

This year, we welcome 93 students (our largest enrollment ever) for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. At the September 9th Opening Doors ceremony, students heard messages that included how our lives are the sum of the choices we make, the habits we form, and the intentions we set as individuals and a community. Upon entering the Schoolhouse lobby, we are now greeted by a new sign that reads “Let’s be _____ today!”  The purpose is to highlight words that help set our intention for the day. The words will help us live into becoming the individuals and community God wishes for us to be. So, you can look forward to entering the lobby and seeing words like “kind, encouraging, adaptable, hardworking, responsible, mathematicians, theologians” and many more.

Let’s get our minds, hearts and hands ready for the year ahead to LEADLEARN, and LOVE!

Be safe and be well.


Mr. McDonough
Principal & Assistant Head of School

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