

The 4th annual Eastertide Mass marked a historic day in the life of St. James School with the baptism of eight students. During Lent, interested students and their families met with School Chaplain Deacon Alex Lenzo to learn more about the meaning of baptism.

Mass began with a festive procession from the school house through the churchyard and into the Church of St. James the Less. Eighth grade acolytes led the procession, followed by trumpet students playing When the Saints Go Marching In, the St. James Chorus, the student body, staff, faculty, and over 30 guests.

After readings, hymns, and a sermon by school co-founder Fr. Sean Mullen, students, sponsors, and family members gathered around the font in the back of the church, which had not seen use in nearly ten years. Deacon Lenzo assisted as Fr. Mullen performed the baptisms.

After the baptisms and the following Eucharist, the assembly returned to the school for a joyous community lunch in the Di Bruno Bros. Neighborhood Kitchen. Special thanks to friends from Christ Church in Ithan, PA, and Trinity Memorial Church in Fitler Square, Philadelphia, for joining us on this occasion.

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