

On Friday evening, January 9, St James School hosted its 4th Annual Epiphany Party — and was it ever an amazing celebration!

For those who don’t know what an Epiphany party is, it is the time when the main entrances of the buildings is blessed with prayer and marked with chalk (above the lintel) with the current year and the initials of the three wise souls, C M B, who came so far to see the new born Jesus so long ago. The tradition at St James was well met with great celebration at each of our buildings and by far the biggest crowd gathered.

First of course, the school house was where all gathered to commence the festivities. We had some gathering song with special guest musicians, food and drink, and we stepped out to pray in the front yard of the school house and blessed the chalk. We sang about the journey of the kings, those wise souls, and we then processed to the next building, the church.

At the Church of St. James the Less, there was another celebration, food and drink and song and then we blessed the inside of the church entrance and marked it as we did the school building. Then, we traveled to the cottage. Those who live in the cottage (including the new puppy!) said the prayers for that blessed place of hospitality and sanctuary.

Finally, we crossed back over Clearfield Street to feast and drink and sing and bless the Community House, which provides a safe place to live and be refreshed to many of St James’ teachers and support staff.

So, for this year, St James buildings and grounds are celebrated in, prayed over and blessed well. And the as the home for learning and growing, it is a place duly cherished in the way of a grand and wonderful Epiphany Party. I am so grateful to be a part of this community and to help bring a little bit of God’s joy to this precious and vulnerable neighborhood. Please come and help us celebrate in 2016!

Let the Light of the Star Shine and Welcome the Stranger!

— Mother Jennie Anderson

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