The Episcopal School in North Philadelphia

Dear Volunteers, Donors and Friends,

In response to the rising rate of COVID-19 infections in Philadelphia and our 19132 zip code, St. James School has voluntarily moved classes to fully remote again starting today, Monday, November 16th.

The predicted fall/winter surge is underway, according to data from the federal CDC, and the state and city health departments. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has taken the unusual step of recommending that all schools in the city go fully remote.

As a small school, we had been able to successfully adapt to hybrid instruction, with 42 in-person learning days during which our staff, students and families worked together to keep everyone healthy and safe. So we made this decision reluctantly.

However, we believe it is the right decision, having consulted with our school’s Health and Safety Committee, our Board’s Health and Wellness Committee, and our President and Board Chair, The Rev. Frank Allen.

Teachers and administrators will continue to work on-campus, as we have adequate space to physically distance. We are ensuring that students have the technology they need and we are prepared to quickly resolve repairs and replacements.

We already have taken steps to ensure that students, graduates, and families have easy and safe access to meals, to The Wellness Center for health care and counseling, and to The Welcome Table for pastoral care, weekend food, and legal services.

Thank you for your continued support of our resilient school community. Your prayers, donations, and volunteer support have made a tremendous impact this year. I will be in touch soon to report on how our students and families are doing, and to share some of the ways you can support us while we are virtual.

If you have any questions, please call or email me.


David Kasievich
Head of School
215-226-1276 x108
[email protected]

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