
Current Families

Resources for Current Families

Dear Families of St. James,

Welcome to a community of LEARNING, LEADERSHIP and LOVE that promotes and celebrates hard work, growth and achievement! We are located in the RAH neighborhood bordered by Ridge Avenue, Allegheny Avenue, and Hunting Park Avenue. RAH can also represent three important building blocks to success at St. James School: Relationships, Academics, and Habits. These include strong attendance, completing homework each night, reading at home, getting at least nine hours of sleep each night, limiting screen time, and more.

At our Opening Doors ceremony, we highlighted how we all stand on the shoulders of those who went before us. Current St. James students may choose to follow the paths set by St. James graduates such as Sydnee, who graduated Cabrini University in 2023; or Elijah, who graduated Roman Catholic HS and is now attending Holy Family University; or Lakira, who graduated St. James in 2023 and now attends Mercy CTE High School. The paths are many and the opportunities are unlimited – thank you graduates for leading the way!

Let’s all work together to teach, model, practice, and reinforce positive healthy habits this school year – go Huskies!


Mr. David McDonough
Principal & Assistant Head of School

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